1/2 of business owners surveyed plan to increase their digital signage budgets, and about 3 of 4 business owners are planning to digitalize their businesses.

24% of local companies said they are expecting to invest more on digital signage, and the number of the businesses reporting they are not using digital signage in their marketing mix has dropped from 35% to 22%.
It is for a REASON
A recent studies show that a 90% of local residents aged 12 or older have seen a digital video display in a public venue, such as HDB, shopping mall or Community Centre. 70% out of the viewer claimed that they recall seeing one in the past week.
Now in the market 48% of the business owners find digital signage are effective for creating brand awareness, and 30% of patrons find it will influence them to purchase a product from the business owner, and 33% of the patrons find it will also influence them to make repeat purchase.
Digital Signage vs Internet Goliaths

28% grocery stores
27% shopping malls
20% retails/department stores
20% medical offices
19% movie theatres
In a recent research show that, digital signages in public venues reach more people each month than online videos.
Is Digital Signage Effective? ABSOLUTELY!
Studies was made in US that 47% of those who have seen a digital signage in the past 30 days specifically recall seeing the ad. Nearly 1 in 5 of those who have seen an ad via digital signage say they have made an unplanned purchase after seeing an item featured on the screen.